Professional Development

This section contains legacy videos from the 2007 Medical Mastermind Community mentioned in my CV. The research in my CV shows that mentoring local people will get you the society we crave. These videos are dated, but serve as a good example of how simple mentorship can lead to meaningful change. The cringe factor encourages me that quality content and leadership are more important than flash. Afterall, mentorship gives the underdog a fighting chance.

A red book with the cover of the 1 0 0-day mindshift.

Use this healing guide as a journal while you study our video program at your own pace.

Download the Ambassador Slides HANDOUT to share.

Interviewing Skills

Interviewing Skills – part 2

Answering uncomfortable questions in admissions essays

How to use the Success Story Format

Surviving the first week of training

Thriving during training

Time Management and Organizational Skills

How to Master the Difficult Patient Interview

How to Present Cases to your Boss

Anatomy of a Malignant Training Program (subtitle: how to not have to change careers and spend years of your life offline)

4 Critical Thinking Skills



