Making Mindshifters

Making Mindshifters is a traditional Mastermind Alliance that teaches a skill far more valuable than material treasures. Members study the Science of Personal Achievement audio program by Napoleon Hill (see history below). This group is presented with a challenge to work together as a Mastermind Alliance in 19th Century style. Their common goal? The goal is to coach you on How to Mindshift by creating your own business or ministry from passion. This is a way to learn to be objective; to change the world from where you stand today. You are the brand. This is brand development.

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What is a Mindshifter?

A Mindshifter is one who teaches others to simultaneously change their active neural networks and harmonic emotional frequencies at will. For the full definition, visit the How to Mindshift course page.

I am very much against AI, but it knows who I am. I am a Mindshifter.

When I purchased the domain name from GoDaddy, I was experimenting with different names for the website. I enjoy the logo design and creating the title of a new business – it’s the most fun 20 minutes of the whole company. I decided to use its AI feature to see if it could help select potential domain names for this website. After analyzing me, the results came back with “Mindshift” in the title as a predominant, reasonable option. AI learned only a little about my business and labeled me a Mindshifter, which implies it knows that such a thing exists. You should too.

History of Mastermind Groups

The realization of human potential came after the worst of times, the Dark Ages. Bibles had been burned, evidence destroyed, and tyrannical regimes operated under false flags. During the Renaissance Era 14th-17th Centuries, people experimented with human potential through imagination, trial and error. In a relatively short period of time, a group of thought leaders went on to create the top industries, companies and innovations that propelled the standard of living forward into electricity and travel. What changed? What did humans come to realize that brought us into such a creative and imaginative state of mind considered normal today?

They used Mastermind Alliances conducted in a particular way and all shared 17 Success Traits. The people that benefited from the Industrial Revolution went from abject poverty to imagining, then on to creating railroads and industry.

Now, I’m not saying these were perfect people, just that they discovered how to be ultra-successful. Some of them were the reason that unions came about because of their mistreatment of employees. All that said, I, in many ways, feel like I owe a lot to the insights of Napoleon Hill (1883-1970) who learned from Andrew Carnegie. The Science of Personal Achievement audiobook helped sew me together when I was forced out of my Emergency Medicine Residency Program in 2008. I formed Mastermind Groups myself. I did what I learned in 12 Step Recovery at an early age, start helping others now – don’t wait until you have all the answers for yourself. I turned to research and cracking the code on the hidden curriculum (an actual publication title) when my chosen career path ended in disappointment.

Andrew Carnagie convinced Napoleon Hill that he knew nothing about the making or marketing of steel, but that his Board of Directors knew everything there was to know about all of it. Carnegie’s talent was finding the best talent and managing the group so that they all worked in harmony. That’s what I do when I operate Mastermind Groups. I will warn you that his audio program is very old and sometimes a little hard to hear, but believe me he doesn’t waste a word. He never says “uhm” and never repeats himself. I had to listen to it 20 times before I processed it (and that’s after tons of 12 step work and becoming a physician – I thought I had heard it all). Consider that he was born in 1883 and basically ran wild in the mountains of western Virginia. So, the lessons he was learning at the time were revolutionary. Some of his ideas are pretty far out there, but it’s remarkable how much was understood about the practical application of quantum psychology before quantum entanglement was discovered.

History has proven Napoleon Hill correct with his explanation of telepathic ethers. A myriad of science suggests that quantum communication with water and all living things, in fact everything has a vibration, not only exists but that out subconscious mind is more intelligent than our conscious mind. The pineal gland appears involved with radio frequencies and electromagnetic frequency waves (EMF’s) in the discovery of nano-sized bioaccumulation crystals. They contain electro-transduction ability and are therefore sensitive to EMF’s depending on the types of toxic exposures. Quantum energy is connected to electricity, electromagnetic waves, radio frequencies and you – because it is the energetic matrix of all Creation. This summary article discusses how external electronic devices can transduce energy with the pineal gland (Piezoelectric Pineal Gland may be enhanced utilizing the Quantum Terahertz device). This innovation was weaponized in 2003 as U.S. patent number US-6506148-B2. This is a crucial reason that we can’t leave out energy healing, toxicology or alarming documentaries in our discussion of mental health.

Remember, it was at my career low point when the Medical Mastermind Community was born, resulting in many new physicians, including disadvantaged minorities, achieving a career in medicine after years of getting applications rejected. The rest is history. I’m a Mindshifter for life now. And I want you to become one also. Will you share in the joy with me? It’s pretty unreal.

Definiteness of Purpose

Group members are encouraged, but not required, to take Step 1 in the Mindshift Transformation Process. Please take time to complete the Definiteness of Purpose WORKSHEET prior to the meeting. Definiteness of Purpose is one of the 17 Success Principles in Napoleon Hill’s, Science of Personal Achievement. This step involves beginning to train and harness your mind, focusing it on your life’s purpose and the future:

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How Mindshift Mastermind Groups Work

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