How much does it cost for appointment with Dr. Daniel M. Williams, MD, PA?
Do you accept insurance?

No. Mindshift Care is a cash-only practice. See fee schedule and clinic policies.

How can I get insurance reimbursement?

Submit a copy of your monthly SuperBill to your insurance company. You can access it here in the client portal. See also the fee schedule and clinic policies.

How do I communicate with my practitioner, Dr. Daniel M. Williams, MD, PA?

You can contact your practitioner by logging in to your Client Portal and sending them a secure message. Visit our Help Center for more information about secure messaging.

How do I login to the client portal for appointments?

You can login via the web or through the app. Instructions are found here.

How do I find a talk-therapist? (psychologist, counselor)

Psychology Today and Monarch let you search by zip code and have profiles to read about the therapist first.

What is SimplePractice?

SimplePractice is a practice management software that helps you and your practitioner manage your care all in one place. Visit our Help Center for more information about SimplePractice.

How do I confirm or cancel an appointment?

The text appointment reminders include a link to confirm or cancel your appointment. Depending on the how far ahead of time it is, you may also cancel an appointment through your Client Portal. Visit our Help Center for more information on confirming and canceling appointments.

How do I use the app?

Visit the SimplePractice Client Help Center.