DETOX Fit & Fertile

Learn the effects of neurotoxins on mental health – and how to decrease your toxic load. Active participation encouraged – this Mastermind Group is truly a group effort to detox thoroughly. Dr. Williams earned his board certification in Psychiatry using five different U.S. Army and Texas Army National Guard education programs. He shares his person story of detoxification from the forever chemicals in the PFAS family. Emphasis is on a harmonious community that supports each member’s detox by sharing successes in cleanses, nutrition, and various detoxification methods.

Inspiration is drawn from the Detoxification and Toxicology diploma course DT502 in functional medicine from the Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine in Aradippou, Cyprus.

Making babies involves sex therapy, psychology, physiology, sometimes psychiatry, and now…toxicology. After all, it’s not entirely an accident that starting a family has become harder.

Did you know 95% of sperm samples in the US contain the weed-killer RoundUptm, which destroys their function? Did you know that atrazine, another herbicide, is also in the water and causes sterilization and spontaneous hermaphroditism / sex changes in frogs?

This is a support group for people interested in detoxing from any toxic chemicals like BPA, PFAS, heavy metals, RoundUptm, and more. Dr. Williams will share his own PFAS Detox Protocol (poly-fluoryl alkyl substances), not-so-affectionately known as the “forever chemicals”. Couples facing infertility find hope and resources.

Live Events Calendar

I cover intimacy issues and provide Q&A for the Sex Therapy for PTSD course in this group, separately from the main video course Q&A session. I teach my PFAS Detox protocol to help you in your fertility process. We can discuss couples counseling, psychology, obstetrics, basically whatever you want – it’s a Mastermind Group. Your mind matters here.

Download and share this Support Group FLYER to start in-person meetings in your area. The pdf version has clickable links so feel free to post it on your website.

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