
The most profound life transformations I’ve seen in mental health occur in Intensive Outpatient Programs that last for 6-10 weeks, but there are a lot of barriers to getting that kind of treatment. Now you can access mental health classes and groups on-par with world-class treatment centers. Avoid having to pay up to $24,000 for two months of in-person treatment with this Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program (vIOP).


No one will have to know why you’re getting better, but you are invited to share the materials with anyone who will listen to you gush about what you’re learning. Relieve pressure with the assurance that you got a second opinion because you are practicing taking care of yourself. Share your journey with loved ones if you want to invite them for a portion of your appointment.


Improve your consistency in finishing goals with the 100-Day Mindshift book. Get things done.


Have fun as you explore different healing modalities you learn about in the classes. Instant access to the videos reduces frustration and keeps you calm as you take your time and go in any order you want. No passwords on our legacy videos means you never have to delay your learning and can stay calm. Happy streaming.


Learn to navigate and negotiate with difficult circumstances until it becomes second nature.


Find camaraderie if you have experienced mental health issues and prefer mastermind groups over therapy.


Heal your heart and mind by taking the 100-Day Mindshift challenge and booking a one-on-one appointment with me, Dr. Daniel M. Williams, MD, PA.

100-Day Mindshift

Journal your development of physical, mental, spiritual and emotional balance.

Order your copy today.

What do I do while I wait for my book?

  1. Choose a journal for your progress. The 100-Day Mindshift can serve as your journal, while you wait you can get started right away with any notebook. You will get better. Keep your journals forever.
  2. Watch Behavioral Health videos in any order (virtual Intensive Outpatient Program (vIOP).
  3. Definite Major Purpose worksheet. You can start rewiring your brain now when you use Creative Visualization. This worksheet is a great exercise for the unconscious mind. Keep copies of your worksheets as you edit them over the years. It’s fun to look back on them in the future.
  4. Behavioral Health Classes. Welcome to the world’s only Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program experience with all of the same classes taught at world-class treatment centers. At this stage, just watch whatever you want. Later, you’ll be provided with an individualized Mindshift Plan with specific recommendations, through my HIPAA-secure portal. Meet Dr. Williams during live events.
  5. Consume the Right Content. Filter out negativity for the next 100 days. Limit your intake of news unless it comes from a non-biased source like 1440. Choose from my list of documentaries and consider best-selling audiobooks and podcasts to feed your mind hope and positivity. If you’re looking for a life partner, you’re going to want attract people that know about these documentaries. If you have a life partner, grow together. Start watching documentaries on a date night. If your partner is resistant, try the Pet Therapy or Sex Therapy courses with your partner to get started.
  6. Watch my Video about Medications. Please take 7 minutes to watch my approach to medications for serious mental illness.